Our mission is to end the threat of age-related disease for this and future generations
We believe it is possible for people to enjoy their lives at 95 as much as they do at 25, and to achieve that, we’re seeking a more comprehensive understanding of the biology of aging itself.
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Advancing the frontiers
of aging research
Using cutting-edge science to tackle aging, the #1 risk factor for chronic disease.
Featured News
Ketone bodies: more than energy, they are powerful signaling metabolites that clean up damaged proteins
Ketone esters help clear misfolded proteins in mouse models of aging and Alzheimer’s disease
Ketone bodies, produced by the body to provide fuel during fasting, have roles in regulating cellular processes and aging mechanisms beyond energy production...
Crunching fruit fly and human data via machine learning reveals key metabolites that impact lifespan in both species
Study suggests that threonine may hold promise as therapeutic target for aging
Discoveries that impact lifespan and healthspan in fruit flies are usually tested in mice before being considered potentially relevant in humans, a process that is expensive and time intensive...
How the Ketogenic Diet Improves Healthspan and Memory in Aging Mice
The insight into mechanisms provides new targets for improving memory that may not even require a ketogenic diet
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