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Hi! I'm Ilya, this is my website.

I'm a product manager of AI products for Ecom (CV and LLM), founder in AI-based products. Before that, I worked as Head of Sales at Edtech and Telecom.

Now I'm building – AI assistant for sales meetings and teams. We have 800+ paid users and ~$20k MRR, 20-30% MoM Growth

One page resume here

Areas of interest: AI, b2b SaaS, Edutech, HRtech, Food Tech, Mental Health.
I want to help myself, people and companies build cool products that change this world and unlock people's potential!
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Perfect AI assistant for your meeting

Capture all insights from every online meeting: summary, tasks, and full transcript

$20k MRR, $1,2M valuation

AI-powered replies for Twitter, LinkedIn & ProductHunt

Unlock your productivity and keep in touch with the community

Key metrics: 5k+ users, $10k+ revenue
1500+ participants. Translated the English-language course from Y Combinator and unite Russian-speaking founders in one common chat room to take the course together, support each other, and help build startups.
With a description of the tasks, the results achieved and my reflection.
Advising startups
With a description of the results, links to calculations and presentations
  • Bachelor's degree - Plekhanov Russian Economic University, Technological Machines and Equipment
  • Master's Degree - Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Management and Social Entrepreneurship

Feel free to contact me

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